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Manuka Honey, Bee Venom and Propolis

manuka honey

Have you watched the new TV show the “X” factor?  Have you heard of the expression having the “IT” factor?  What about this….

Do you have the Unique Manuka Factor or “UMF”?  If not- you will be missing out on these wonderful benefits found in our Youth-Derm® Ultra Healing Aloe Cream.

Honey- like Aloe Vera has been used for centuries for it’s healing properties. Medical reports have shown that honey can aid in the treatment of wounds, burns, skin ulcers, boils and infections.  Honey has been found to help heal because of the natural hydrogen peroxide antibacterial properties found in different levels in pretty much all honeys.

Manuka honey is special because of the fact that it has a second more powerful antibacterial property called “UMF”.  The higher the level of “UMF” the more fighting power it has.  UMF is a phytochemical found in the nectar of some manuka flowers.  The bees gather this nectar from the Manuka bush or Leptospermum Scoparium (Latin Genus).  This special plant grows in the pristine environment of New Zealand.  The interesting thing is that not all Manuka honey has the UMF factor – it has to be scientifically tested and have a UMF rating of 10 or more to receive the UMF seal of approval.  It hasn’t yet been figured out why Manuka can vary in this factor – but some theories have suggested environmental factors such as soil type or subspecies of the manuka itself.  Researchers are still trying to figure this out. We have chosen to use Manuka Honey that has a UMF rating of +25 – this is one of the highest available -in our Youth-Derm® Ultra Healing Aloe Cream.

From 1999-2000 a clinical trial was performed at Waikato Hospital in Hamilton, New Zealand.  They used UMF rated Manuka Honey on chronic wounds and unresponsive skin ulcers. No other medicines such as antibiotics or antibacterial agents were used during the trial.  They found that with correct dressing techniques with UMF rated Manuka honey, it is possible to have tremendous healing rates in the treatment of infected chronic wounds – by Betts, JA and Molan, PC.

What about the propolis? Propolis is made by the bees to help seal the hive from predators and disease. It is made by gathering the sticky resins of certain tree buds and damaged bark. They then mix the prior with wax, pollen and saliva to form this special “propolis glue”. But did you also know that propolis contains 22 nutrients needed by the body? It has over 16 different vitamins, a plethora of amino acids and trace elements.  It has a high vitamin content with bioflavanoids – which are in complete balance naturally!  The bioflavanoid rich propolis attributes to it’s anti-bacterial properties. Our defense system, the immune system, is stimulated by propolis. This helps us fight against cellular destruction and aging.

We’ve educated you about Manuka Honey and Propolis, but why in the world would we add Bee Venom?  Isn’t that the stuff that hurts really bad when you are stung?

Bee Venom is unique in the fact that it has more that 18 biologically working compounds. From the 20th Century these compounds have been studied and researched for their skin energizing properties.

The Venom works in different ways throughout our bodies.  It can help the blood circulate – strengthen your physical body and mental health – support the workings of your Pituitary-cortical system – support the immune system and it has anti-oxidant effects as well.  This is well documented for your body – but what is just being recognized is this venom does wonders for your skin health as well!

Phospholipase A2 and Hyaluronidase are 2 of the low-molecule peptides and enzymes in bee venom that make it work it’s magic.  Let me tell you a bit about these 2 powerhouses.  The first being Phospholipase A2 – this helps our other ingredients in Youth-Derm® to work more effectively by dissolving the skin cell membrane and allowing those ingredients to get into the skin cell.  Secondly, Hyaluronidase improves the penetration of ingredients through the skin barrier.  As we get older the skin looses it’s ability to let ingredients cross this barrier, the hylauronic matrix that keeps moisture in- becomes harder and less passes through.  Hyaluronidase speeds up this breaking down of old molecules and turns on the production of new molecules of hyaluronic acid by skin fibroblasts.

The peptides, Melittin and Apimin, found in bee venom, are also known to give anti-aging effects to the skin. Melittin helps the deepest layers of our skin to have normal blood circulation and adequate red blood cells.  This improves the nutrients moving through the skin cells, in turn aiding skin regeneration along with elastin and collagen production.  Apamin helps the central and peripheral nervous system by stimulating the production of serotonin and dopamine.  These neurotransmitters give us a sense of well being.

Last but not least – these peptides can help to stimulate the facial muscles, therefore giving a lifting and plumping effect to the skin.

PS- You may be wondering how is this bee venom harvested?  Do they subject people to a bunch of stings or harm the animals in any way?  Of course, the answer is NO!!!

Dr Nikolai Nikolaev patented a technology that allows the highest grade of venom to be collected without harming the bees. He uses an electrical device with a glass frame.  The bees are stimulated by this electrical impulse for a regulated amount of time.  When they come in contact with this field they receive a mild electrical shock that stimulates them to sting onto this glass sheet.  The alarm odor given off by the venom tells the other bees to come and sting.  Once the collection is completed the bees are shaken off the glass plate frame.  The venom then dries on the glass which is then carefully transported to the laboratory where they scrape off the venom. This venom powder is stored in a dark glass jar in a cool, dry place.

You can now see why we have chosen to add these special ingredients to our Youth-Derm® Ultra Healing Aloe Cream!


Every 5 grams of the Bee Venom Venz® Manuka Honey contains 1/2 a bee sting.  This ingredient is then added at a safe and beneficial percentage to our Youth-Derm® cream. This being said, people who have allergic reactions to bee sting or propolis should seek medical advice before using Youth-Derm® Ultra Healing Aloe Cream.

Aloe You Too!

2 thoughts on “Manuka Honey, Bee Venom and Propolis

    Mike, have you heard from anyone that have used your cream (or honey products) for healing surgical scars? I talk to many spine surgery patients…

    I love your aloe product. I know it’s for me…and the wife too!

    Richard Longland

    The Arthroplasty Patient Foundation

      Many have used our products for surgical scars. The results are obviously better the sooner the scars are treated. Old healed zipper scars probably aren’t going to change much. But recently stitched skin loves aloe vera!

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